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  • Writer's pictureEryk The Strange

MANEGARM - En snara av guld (Single Review)

Swedish Viking/black/folk metal band Manegarm dropped a new single the other day titled "En snara av guld" off of their upcoming "Ynglingaättens Öde" album that's set to drop on April 15th. Whoaaaaa. I've never heard anything quite like this before, but I absolutely love it. Their blend of viking elements with folk and black metal is just gorgeous and so well done. It's got amazing and varied vocals, some wonderful stringed instruments, some killer riffs, and really has a lot of power and emotion behind it. It tells a full story without even looking up what it's about. The whole thing has a very ritualistic and melancholy sound, which fits perfectly with the lyrics. The video is very well done and well produced, and it illustrates the song so well. I love this so much, and I can't wait to hear more off this album! ~Gangis

Image credit: Still from the music video for "En snara av guld" by Manegarm on Napalm Records.

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